
ThreeFlow Insights

Data you can’t get anywhere else.

Real-time, in-app market data that helps brokers and 
carriers make better business decisions.


Gain market intelligence

Expand your view of market activity

Access response rates and new business premium by carrier to manage revenue planning and forecasting.

Strengthen your negotiation position

Leverage reliable data like response timeliness to confidently drive partner conversations for mutually beneficial contracts.

Influence your team’s market activities

With views on what carriers are winning your business and the associated premium, enable teams to make marketing decisions that achieve revenue goals.

ThreeFlow Insights allows our Financial Analysts to effectively manage the RFP process for our clients and, at an enterprise level, enables us to hold our carrier partners accountable to performance metrics, such as adherence to RFP due dates, response rates, and DTQ percentages.

Carolyn Filson
Client Retention Manager

McGohan Brabender

Achieve better growth

Boost your competitive advantage

Access outcomes by broker and incumbent to identify who you’re winning and losing against.

Expand your broker relationships

Use invitation and close ratios to learn where to grow product blocks within your brokerage markets.

Elevate your performance

Evaluate how your teams handle opportunities with real-time data points like RFP response rates and decline-to-bid ratios.

Insights provides Reliance Matrix real-time data analytics and historic trend information that helps to make better local market decisions and creates sales strategies with our brokers, leading to an increase in opportunities.”
Stephanie Heenan

Strategic Partnership Manager

Reliance Matrix

Access advanced market intelligence

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